Quota Pounds

Price per pound and Number of Sales

All Years
$ / lb # of sales $ / lb # of sales $ / lb # of sales $ / lb # of sales
Arrowtooth flounder
$0.005 47 $0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Bocaccio rockfish
$0.141 71 $0.070 1 $0.061 4 $0.000 0
Canary rockfish
$0.229 190 $0.150 6 $0.194 12 $0.000 0
Chilipepper rockfish
$0.012 63 $0.012 7 $0.010 7 $0.000 0
$1.054 43 $0.000 0 $0.489 2 $0.000 0
Darkblotched rockfish
$0.455 152 $0.360 6 $0.201 15 $0.000 0
Dover sole
$0.007 8 $0.000 0 $0.001 1 $0.000 0
English sole
$0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Lingcod north
$0.016 68 $0.010 4 $0.010 3 $0.000 0
Lingcod south
$0.011 18 $0.014 4 $0.010 4 $0.000 0
Longspine thornyheads
$0.043 68 $0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Minor Shelf rockfish North
$0.031 89 $0.056 9 $0.073 9 $0.000 0
Minor Shelf rockfish South
$0.029 20 $0.020 5 $0.043 5 $0.000 0
Minor Slope rockfish North
$0.026 72 $0.040 9 $0.053 4 $0.000 0
Minor Slope rockfish South
$0.032 41 $0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Other flatfish
$0.005 9 $0.001 1 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Pacific cod
$0.007 27 $0.007 2 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Pacific halibut
$0.777 201 $0.476 14 $0.421 7 $0.000 0
Pacific ocean perch
$0.692 121 $0.011 1 $0.011 2 $0.000 0
Pacific whiting
$0.014 83 $0.006 1 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Petrale sole
$0.337 350 $0.294 19 $0.327 12 $0.000 0
Sablefish north
$0.853 344 $0.539 10 $0.172 11 $0.000 0
Sablefish south
$0.329 68 $0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Shortspine thornyheads north
$0.031 83 $0.010 1 $0.012 6 $0.000 0
Shortspine thornyheads south
$0.038 16 $0.000 0 $0.020 2 $0.000 0
Splitnose rockfish
$0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Starry flounder
$0.001 1 $0.000 0 $0.000 0 $0.000 0
Widow rockfish
$0.054 233 $0.062 7 $0.065 9 $0.000 0
Yelloweye rockfish
$16.061 91 $15.000 1 $11.479 5 $0.000 0
Yellowtail rockfish
$0.028 143 $0.064 7 $0.067 6 $0.000 0
2728 115 126 0

Data includes all Standard Auctions and all Dutch Auctions. Price per pound are mean values. Total sale dollars divided by total sale pounds.