Saturday, September 28, 2024 09:45 AM
Auction Sub Categories
Categories > Quota Pounds by Species for 2024
     Arrowtooth flounder (0 Items Listed)      Bocaccio rockfish (0 Items Listed)
     Canary rockfish (0 Items Listed)      Chilipepper rockfish (0 Items Listed)
     Cowcod (0 Items Listed)      Darkblotched rockfish (0 Items Listed)
     Dover sole (0 Items Listed)      English sole (0 Items Listed)
     Lingcod - North (0 Items Listed)      Lingcod - South (0 Items Listed)
     Longspine thornyheads - North (0 Items Listed)      Minor Shelf rockfish - North (0 Items Listed)
     Minor Shelf rockfish - South (0 Items Listed)      Minor Slope rockfish - North (0 Items Listed)
     Minor Slope rockfish - South (0 Items Listed)      Other flatfish (0 Items Listed)
     Pacific cod (0 Items Listed)      Pacific halibut (1 Item Listed)
     Pacific Ocean perch (0 Items Listed)      Pacific whiting (0 Items Listed)
     Petrale sole (0 Items Listed)      Sablefish - North (0 Items Listed)
     Sablefish - South (0 Items Listed)      Shortspine thornyheads - North (0 Items Listed)
     Shortspine thornyheads - South (0 Items Listed)      Splitnose rockfish (0 Items Listed)
     Starry flounder (0 Items Listed)      Widow rockfish (0 Items Listed)
     Yelloweye rockfish (0 Items Listed)      Yellowtail rockfish (0 Items Listed)

Jefferson State Trading Company

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